Thursday, September 08, 2005

Thoughts on awkwardness

I like to think of myself as a writer. Correction: I'd like (someday) to think of myself as a writer. For now I'm going to have to settle for thinking of myself as someone who writes. And who doesn't even write as much as she'd like to. (I do, however, make up for the lack of actual writing with a lot of thinking and even more talking about how much I want to write, so that's something.)

My friend, Carrie (check out her blog at had suggested that blogging might be a good way for me to get my writing groove on, so here I am, despite serious reservations. I'm not a very technology friendly person--seriously, I'm writing this blog on a dial-up internet connection, and I still don't really get how to use digital cameras. And there's something a little unsettling about posting your thoughts in a place that anyone can see them, even when (like now) you're talking about nothing. But my motto for a long time has been to embrace the awkward, and even though I usually try to limit the awkwardness to the sphere of my personal life (ask me about the last date I went on), it can't hurt me to try this blog thing.

Remember kids, being uncomfortable and a little scared is good. It's gonna suck like no other at the time, but worst case, later on you'll get a damn good story out of it. (And thanks to the wonderful world of blogs, we'll all get to read about it later!)



Anonymous said...

Claire, I'm in love with your blog. You've inspired me. I'm thinking about.