Friday, October 29, 2010

Too Long

It's been a very long time since I've written on my blog--nearly two and a half years. I'd like to say that even without writing on this blog, I was regularly embracing awkward situations, but I'm not totally sure that's true.

A lot has happened in the time since then. But between school, and being in a serious relationship, and just generally getting kind of lazy, I've gotten out of the habit of seeking out awkwardness. And the thing about getting out of the habit of something is that it's then really hard to get back INTO the habit. It feels hard. It feels scary. Why would I want to be awkward, when I could just hide comfortably at home?

But choosing not to embrace awkward situations is suddenly no longer an option: for the first time in 8 years, I've moved somewhere where I literally do not know a single person (except the man I moved here with, my fiance Mike), and I don't have a job (in a market and a field where finding a job is going to be tough). So I think it's a good time to re-learn how to embrace awkward situations--indeed, to actively seek them out. I'm pretty sure that embracing the awkwardness is what it's going to take to make this new place really feel like home.