I know I shouldn't say that. Global warming is terrible, but let's just discuss for a moment, the following:
1) It is March 9th.
2) If I look out my window, I can see (and smell) cherry blossom trees, daffodils and tulips in bloom.
3) The temperature for the next 7 days will be 67, 72, 75, 72, 76, 78 and 75. With no rain. (And for anyone who suffered through the two straight months of rain last year, you know why I think this is awesome.)
I can't tell you how happy I am not to be stuck in ice storms or blizzards or in places where the windchill might still drop the temperature below zero. I can't tell you how happy I am that I live in a place that is already in the middle of spring. When it's June and it's unusually hot and we haven't gotten enough water and everything's setting on fire, I will be sad. But for right now, all I want to do (and all I plan to do) is spend as much time outside in it as is humanly possible. Seriously. I might start camping out on my balcony.
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