Saturday, January 26, 2008


My friend Miranda sent me a message a few days ago, asking what I was doing for President's Day. Seeing as how I didn't even know when President's Day was, I definitely didn't have plans. And then she suggested meeting in San Francisco, with boyfriends in tow. It took me approximately 4 seconds to decide that come hell or high water, boyfriend or no, I WAS going to be in San Francisco that weekend. So I launched a full-force persuasion campaign to get Mike to agree that it was worth the cost to come.

And 12 hours later, our plane tickets were bought. I AM SO EXCITED! I'm excited to see friends, I'm excited to get to go all the places I miss, and I'm really excited to get to share it with Mike.


Miranda said...

This is all I have been able to talk about lately!!! The question is this: Am I more excited or equally as excited as Claire to share this experience with Josh as she is with Mike?! Hmmm....sooooooooo freaking fantastic!!!!

Unknown said...

oo fun! i'm totally jealous!
Make sure to eat lots of good food.