A friend of mine who is currently living abroad in what I have always considered to be a sane, rational and relatively progressive country called me today with some big news.
"Guess what?" she said. "We have a new political party."
Thinking this was the big news, I replied "Oh, hey that's great."
"Yeah, we get a new political party at least once a year."
So what then was the big news?
Her reply:"This political party is all about pedophilia."
Me: "WHAT??!?"
"Yeah, they want to drop the age of consent down from 16 to 12, they want to make it legal to have sex with animals, and they want to allow child porn with kids 12 and older as long as it's 'tasteful' and the kid consents to participate."
Me again: "WHAT?!!!?"
"Oh, and they also want to make train travel free for everyone in the country."
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