Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Welcome Back to the Wee Hours

I have three days left before I leave my job. I have mixed feelings about the leaving--I definitely don't want to be doing grant stuff, and I'm still ambivalent on the communications part, but I'll miss my co-workers and there were things I was just starting to get excited about doing: supervising other staff, developing our collateral materials (that means website, newsletter, blog, brochure, etc), tinkering with the website and all our fun new e-activism toys.

The thing that's got me really excited about being unemployed, however is this: No more pre-midnight bedtimes.

I used to be the chronic night owl. You could pretty much guarantee that I would be awake until at least 3 in the morning. Even when I was working for the union, it was a safe bet that I was awake until 1 or 1:30 at least. But this past year, I've been the 10:30 or 11:00 girl. Maybe 11:30. (Unless I had big plans, and then I was up for staying out as late as necessary.) But seriously, I miss seeing the flip side of midnight on a weekday. I'm looking forward to it.


M!r&a said...

Hooray! More late night blog postings from Claire!