So the Denver craigslist--particularly the groups section--has become my new favorite daily reading addiction. For reasons I don't completely understand, it's just way more entertaining than the Bay Area craigslist. Need proof? See the Mobile Alibi post below.
Here's my second example: The Denver Fjellborg Viking Meetup Group
The text reads: "We are one of many groups forming in the USA and Canada promoting Viking age reenacting based on the precepts of "Living History" (LH). We wish to attain historical accuracy where ever possible. Also, following the guide lines of "The Vikings" international groups, we utilize blunted steel weapons and historically accurate armor. This may be referred to as "live steel, sports competitive" combat. See our home website at
The Denver Fjellborg Viking Meetup Saturday, October 28, 2006 at 12:00PM
This is a crafting and steel combat training meetup, with Viking age skills and weapons as the core interest."
Viking groups? That's like those civil war enactment clubs, but so so much better, because you get to run around wearing metal hats with horns. Sweet.
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