Monday, April 09, 2007

This Poor Dog

I think I've probably mentioned that my parents have a relatively new dog named Sammy. He's kind of a weird dog--he's completely afraid of the dark and he does this slightly creepy staring thing where he doesn't move his head, but his eyes still follow you all around the room. Jokingly, my parents always refer to him as being "a poor, pathetic thing." And there is something slightly sad about him. But overall, he's a good dog and we all love him.

I think, however, that our love could be called into question by a recent purchase my mom made. There have been some pretty cold days in the last month or two, and so my mom bought sweaters for the dogs. I always think clothes on dogs look a little goofy, but the sweater she bought for poor Sammy takes goofy to a whole new level:


This sweater my mom bought must have been made for a 1970's dog--it's all burnt sienna and brown and puke-y green colored stripes--but I doubt it would have looked good even then. It makes Sammy look like a gigantic pyschedelic caterpillar, and if people didn't think he was pathetic before, they definitely will now. I hope the weather stays nice until I have a chance to burn this horrible sweater and get him a better one.