10) James Frey shopping his book A Million Little Pieces--with its cliched plot and one-dimensional, stereotypical characters--as a memoir after it failed to get published as a novel because it had a cliched plot and one-dimensional stereotypical characters. Don't pass off crap fiction as the truth with the hopes that that will make it worth reading. It won't.
9) Cindy Sheehan getting arrested for attending the State of the Union while wearing a t-shirt protesting the casualties of the war.
8) Because I am angry about these things, at least one person will accuse me of having PMS . I don't.
7) That a-hole George W. announcing in his State of the Union Address that the U.S. is "addicted to oil" and "that the best way to break that addiction is through technology" as if he came up with the idea himself. Guess what? People who actually give a shit about the economy and the environment have been saying that for years.
6) The defense attorneys for Ken Lay and those Enron crooks having the nerve to claim that there was no "evil doing" on the part of their clients. Like hell there wasn't.
5) George W. (Yes, he gets two mentions because I'm really that angry) touting the wonders of a national health-care plan that will do absolutely nothing to increase access to health care for the 46 million people who are uninsured (up from 40 million when he became president) and will most likely create a disincentive for people to seek preventive care before their health problems spiral out of control.
4) Samuel Alito is confirmed as the latest Supreme Court Justice--say goodbye to workers' rights, women's reproductive rights, and anything resembling civil liberties.
3) What passes for good immigration "reform" these days is legislation that makes it a felony for you to be in this country (and makes it a felony for anyone else to assist you) unless some company has decided to host you as a "guest worker," by which I mean that they plan to manipulate you, exploit you, and then turn you over to the feds if you try to do anything about it.
2) And did I mention they also want to build a wall to keep out the flood of "illegals?" Yeah, a really big wall with barbed wire and armed guards and probably lots of dogs.
1) More than anything, however, I am angry that on a daily basis, nothing I'm doing is making any of these other things any better.
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