Friday, February 03, 2006

When Political Propaganda Goes BAD

As annoyed as I get with the Republican spin factory framing Democrats as a bunch of fetus-killing, tree-hugging peaceniks looking for government handouts, suddenly their propaganda is looking pretty reasonable.

Let's compare it to what I found on the windshield of my car (and every other car on the street) this morning:

The campaign magazine for Lyndon LaRouche. Now, for you politically in-the-know types, you're already rolling your eyes and groaning, because you know that LaRouche--who has campaigned in every presidential campaign since 1980-- and his minions are NUTS. But for those of you who need more convincing, here is what was on the cover of his campaign magazine.

"Keep Fascist Alito Off the Supreme Court."--This isn't so bad, because frankly I said the same thing about Alito just yesterday.

"Cheney's 'Schmittlerian' Drive for Dictatorship"--complete with a photo of Dick Cheney superimposed next to Adolph Hitler. Lovely.

But my personal favorite (because of its complete ridiculousness and lack of relevance to anything else on the cover)?

The headline that says "CHILDREN OF SATAN IV."

Now THAT'S propaganda.